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Thapathali, Kathmandu, Nepal

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Mahajatra (2024)

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Mahajatra, directed by Pradeep Bhattarai, is a Nepali comedy film that weaves together the lives of three friends: Phadindra, Joyas, and Munna. Each of them is chasing their own dreams—Phadindra seeks a new driving job, Joyas aspires to be an artist, and Munna is applying for a work visa in golfing countries. Fate brings them all to the same organization, but they soon find themselves entangled in a web of illegal money laundering orchestrated by a political racket. The screenplay, though written in haste, manages to capture the essence of their camaraderie and the challenges they face. As the story unfolds, viewers are treated to unique dialogues, Munna’s sarcasm, and punchlines that linger long after leaving the theater. “Ki jwai nabhanisyo Ki ta nabhanisyo!” becomes a memorable catchphrase.



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