Khajure Bro (2024)
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“Khajure Bro”: A delightful Nepali comedy film set in the vibrant city of Dharan, where local culture, skills, and customs thrive. The story revolves around Khajure Bro, a well-known figure in the town. Our protagonist, portrayed by Mahesh Tripathi, embarks on a hilarious journey filled with quirky encounters and unexpected twists. Alongside him, we have an ensemble cast including Niti Shah, Nabin Manandhar, Prakash Bhujel, Binita Thapa Magar, Sushma Niraula, Pushkar Karki, Manish Raut, and Prem Subba. As the film unfolds, it celebrates the essence of Dharan, weaving laughter, camaraderie, and a touch of whimsy.